F.Y. 24-25
- Rupa_Intimation_Postal Ballot
- Rupa_Outcome_255th_Board Meeting_09112024
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 09 Nov 2024
- Rupa_Closure_of_Trading_Window_26092024
- Rupa_Credit Rating
- Rupa_Intimation_AGM_2024
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call_held on_09.08.2024
- Rupa_Outcome_254th_Board Meeting_09082024
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 09 Aug 2024
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_25062024
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 24.05.2024
- Rupa_Outcome_253rd_Board Meeting_23052024
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 23 May 2024
- Rupa_Disclosure of RPT_31.03.2024
F.Y. 23-24
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_23032024
- Rupa_intimation_loss of share certificate_02032024
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 09.02.2024
- Rupa_Outcome_252nd_Board Meeting_08022024
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 08 Feb 2024
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_26122023
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 07.11.2023
- Rupa_Disclosure of Related Party Transaction_06112023
- Rupa_Outcome_251st_Board Meeting_06112023
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 06 Nov 2023
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_27092023
- Rupa_Credit Rating_30.08.2023
- RUPA_Intimation under Reg 30_26.08.2023
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 12.08.2023
- Rupa_Outcome_250th_Board Meeting_11082023
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 11 Aug 2023_04082023
- Rupa_Intimation_38th AGM_Book Closure_04072023
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_27062023
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 25.05.2023
- Rupa_Disclosure of Related Party Transaction_24052023
- Rupa_Outcome_249th_Board Meeting_24052023
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 24 May 2023_17052023
- Rupa_Intimation_loss of share certificate_02052023
- Rupa_Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate_22042023
F.Y. 22-23
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_24032023
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 11.02.2023_11022023
- Rupa_Outcome_248th_Board Meeting_10022023
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 10 February 2023_03022023
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_26122022
- Rupa_Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate_23122022
- Rupa_Disclosure of Related Party Transaction_25112022
- Rupa_Transcript of Earning Call held on 14.11.2022_19112022
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 14.11.2022_14112022
- Rupa_Outcome_247th_Board Meeting_11112022
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 11 November 2022_04112022
- Rupa_Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate_30092022
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_26092022
- Rupa_Credit Rating_230822
- Rupa_Transcript of Earning Call held on 13.08.2022_19082022
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 13.08.2022_13082022
- Rupa_Reg30_Newspaper_UFR_30th June 2022_13082022
- Rupa_Investor Meet_12082022
- Rupa_Outcome_246th_Board Meeting_12082022
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12th August, 2022_05082022
- Rupa_Newspaper Advertisement_related to 37th AGM_14072022
- Rupa_Intimation_37th AGM_Book Closure_13072022
- Rupa_Intimation_loss of share certificate_07072022
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_28062022
- Rupa_Disclosure of Related Party Transaction_07062022
- Rupa_Transcript of Earning Call held on 24.05.2022_30052022
- Rupa_Annual Secretarial Compliance Report_28052022
- Rupa_Audio Recording of Earning Call held on 24.05.2022_24052022
- Rupa_Reg30_Newspaper_AFR_31March2022_24052022
- Rupa_Clarification on outcome of Board Meeting_23052022
- Rupa_Investor Meet_Rescheduled_23052022
- Rupa_Investor Meet_23052022
- Rupa_Outcome_245th_Board Meeting_23052022
- Rupa_Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 23rd May, 2022_17052022
- Rupa_Annual disclosure Large Corporate Framework_13052022
- Rupa_Investor_Meet_07052022
- Rupa_Initial disclosure Large Corporate Framework_26042022
- Rupa_Investor_Meet_18042022
F.Y. 21-22
- Rupa_Closure of Trading Window_26032022
- Intimation under Reg 30(5)_01032022
- Rupa_ Investor_ Meet_ 1802022
- Change_in_Company_Secretary_and_Compliance_Officer
- Rupa_Financial_Results_31122021
- Rupa_Reg30_Intimation_to_physical_shareholders
- Rupa_Reg30_Newspaper_UFR_30September2021_01112021
- Rupa_Results_Investor_Presentation_01112021
- Rupa_Results_Investor_Release_01112021
- Rupa_Outcome_243rd_Board Meeting_01112021
- Rupa_Outcome_Proceedings_36th_AGM_31082021
- Rupa_36th_AGM_Minutes_2021
- Rupa_Outcome_of_Board_Meeting_11.08.2021
- Rupa_Investor_Meet_12082021
- Rupa_Reg30_Notice of AGM_Video_Conferencing_Newspaper_Publication
- Rupa_IEPF_Share_Transfer_Newspaper_Advertisment_20072021
- Rupa_Newspaper_Publication_36thAGM_Remote_evoting_Bookclosure_09082021
F.Y. 20-21
- Rupa_Secretarial Compliance Report _ 2021
- Rupa_Earning_Conference_Call_Intimation_01062021
- Rupa_Outcome_241_BoardMeeting_31.05.2021
- Rupa_UFR_31.12.2020_Newspaper_Publication_29.01.2021
- Rupa_Earning_Call_29012021
- Rupa_Investor_Presentation_29012021
- Rupa_Outcome_240th_BoardMeeting_29.01.2021
- Rupa_BoardMeeting_Newspaper_ Publication_ 29.01.2021
- Rupa_Board_Meeting_Intimation_29.01.2021
- Rupa_Disclosure_Reg30_ SEBI (LODR) 09122020
- IntimationBoardMeeting08122020
- Rupa_UFR_30.09.2020_Newspaper publication_11.11.2020
- Rupa_Outcome_238th Board Meeting_11.11.2020
- Rupa_Board Meeting_Notice Newspaper Publication_11.11.2020
- Rupa_Reg29_Notice of Board Meeting_05.11.2020
- Rupa_Voting Results_ Scrutinizers Report_ 18.09.2020
- Outcome & Proceedings of 35th AGM_Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
- Rupa_Newspaper_Publication_Book_Closure_Remote_E-Voting_Completion_of_Dispatch_35thAGM
- Rupa_Reg30_AGM_Notice of AGM_Video Conferencing Newspaper_ Publication
- Rupa_Unaudited_Financial _Result_ 30.06.2020 Newspaper Publication
- Rupa_ Outcome_ 237th_Board Meeting_ 12.08.2020
- Rupa_Newspaper publication_Board Meeting 12082020
- Rupa_Reg29_Notice of Board Meeting_ 06.08.2020
F.Y. 19-20
- Rupa_Regulation23(9)_Statement_of_Related Party Transaction_30.09.2019
- Rupa_Outcome_236th_BM_26.06.2020
- Outcome of 235th Board Meeting_ 10.02.2020
- Rupa Reg30 _Updates_10 February 2020
- Rupa_UFR_31December2019_Newspaper_Publication_10February2020
- Rupa_Reg_29_Notice of Board Meeting _03.02.2020
- Rupa_BM_Notice Advertisement_10.02.2020
- Outcome of 234th Board Meeting 12.11.2019
- Rupa Intimation regarding closure of Trading Window_31.12.2019
- Rupa Intimation regarding closure of Trading Window_30.09.2019
- Outcome & Proceedings of 34th AGM_Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
- Reg30_SEBI LODR_Re-appointment_Independent Directors
- Rupa_Voting Result_Scrutinizer Report_06092019
- Outcome of 233rd Board Meeting 08.08.2019
- Rupa Reg30_ Notice of AGM_Newspaper Publication
- Rupa_Reg30_AGM_ Intimation_ 09.08.2019
- Rupa_Reg_29_Intimation_Board Meeting_ 12.11.2019
- Rupa_BM_Notice_Advertisement_ 12.11.2019
- UFR_30_ September_ 2019_ Newspaper_ Advertisement_12.11.2019
F.Y. 18-19
- Rupa Intimation regarding closure of trading window 30.06.2019
- Rupa_Regulation23(9)_Statement_of_Related Party Transaction
- Rupa Audited Results Year Ended 31.03.2019
- Outcome of 232nd Board Meeting 25.05.2019
- Rupa_Reg 30_25.05.2019
- Rupa_BM_ Notice_Advertisement_ 18.05.2019
- Rupa_Reg 29_intimation_Board_Meeting_18.05.019
- Intimation Regarding Closure of Trading Window
- Rupa_BM_Notice _Advertisement_01.02.2019
- UFR_31_Dec2018_Newspaper_Publications_08.02.2019
- Outcome of 231st Board Meeting _08.02.2019
- Outcome of 230th Board Meeting_14.11.2018
- Rupa_UFR_30September2018_Newspaperpublication_14Nov2018 pdf
- Rupa_Reg29_BMIntimation_06Nov2018
- Rupa_Addendum Notice_Newspaper Publication_17.08.2018
- Rupa_Reg30_AddendumToNotice_17Aug2018
- Rupa_UFR_30June2018_NewspaperPublication_10Aug2018
- Rupa_Reg30_UFR_IDAPPT_10Aug2018_f
- Rupa_BM_Intimation_03Aug2018
- Rupa_AGM_Intimation_Newspaper_06Aug2018
- Rupa_Reg30_AGM_Intimation_02Aug2018
- Rupa_Reg30_IEPF_ShareTransfer_Newspaper_03Aug2018
- BoardMeetingNotice_10Aug2018
- Rupa_S_B_Ganguly_ResignationLetter_3July2018
- Rupa_Reg30_AuditedFinancialResults_23May2018
- Audited Results_Newspaper Publication_23May2018
- Board Meeting Notice_Newspaper Advertisement_16May2018
- Rupa_Notice to SE_16May2018_KKJ
- Rupa_Reg29_BM_Intimatiom_01.02.2019
- Rupa_BM_Notice_Advertisement_01.02.2019
- Rupa_UFR_31_Dec_2018 newspaper publications 08.02.2019
- Outcome of 231st Board Meeting_08.02.2019
F.Y. 17-18
- UFR_31Dec2017_Newspaper publication_12.02.2018
- Rupa_Reg30_Additional_Director_SecAuditor_Appointments_12022018
- Board Meeting Notice Newspaper Advertisement_12.02.2018
- Rupa_Reg30_Arihant Kumar Baid_Resignation_15.01.2018
- UFR_30Sept2017_Newspaper Publication_10.11.2017
- Board Meeting Notice Newspaper Advertisement_10 11 2017
- Board Meeting Notice_10.11.2017
- Outcome & Proceedings of 32nd AGM_Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
- UFR_30 June,2017_Newspaper Publication_10.08.2017
- Board Meeting Notice Newspaper Advertisement_10.08.2017
- Board Meeting Notice_10.08.2017
- Rupa_BSE and NSE_News Clarification_19.06.2017
- Rupa_BSE_Clarification_Increase in Volume_05.06.2017
- Rupa_NSE_Clarification_Increase in Volume_03.06.2017
- Rupa_Reg30_Schedule_of_Investor_Conference_08-06-2017
- Audited Results_Newspaper Publication_26.05.2017
- Board Meeting Notice Newspaper Advertisement_26.05.2017
- Board Meeting Notice_26.05.2017
F.Y. 16-17
- Share Transfer to IEPF_Newspaper Advertisement_28.03.2017
- UFR_31 Dec’16_Newspaper Publications_11-02-2017
- Outcome of 223rd Board Meeting_10_02_2017
- Board Meeting Notice Newspaper Advertisement 10-02-2017
- Board Meeting Notice_10-02-2017
- Proceedings_Postal_Ballot_Process_29.12.2016_Reg30
- Rupa_Reg 30_Postal Ballot Notice_12-11-2016
- Audited Results Newspaper Publication_12-11-2016
- Outcome_Of_222nd_Board_Meeting_12_11_2016
- Change of Registrar & Transfer Agentregistered Address
- Board Meeting Notice Newspaper Advertisement 12-11-2016
- Board Meeting Notice_12-11-2016
- Intimation to stock exchange regarding appointment of statutory auditors Reg30 SEBI LODR regulations
- Intimation to Stock Exchange regarding resignation of Statutory Auditors Reg30 SEBI LODR Regulations
- Proceedings of 31st AGM_Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
- Change in Directors Designation_Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
- Outcome of 221st Board Meeting
- UFR Newspaper Publication_05.08.2016
- Board Meeting Notice_Newspaper Advertisement_05.08.2016
- Board Meeting Notice_05.08.2016
- Audited Results_Newspaper Publication_30.05.2016
- Outcome of 220th Board Meeting
- Board Meeting Notice_Newspaper Advertisement_30.05.2016.pdf.2016
- Board Meeting Notice_30.05.2016
- Postal Ballot Result and Proceeding_Reg 44 and 30_19.04.2016
- Intimation to Stock Exchanges regarding information with respect to Sub Co. under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
- Audited Results_Newspaper Publication_26.05.2017
- Board Meeting Notice Newspaper Advertisement_26.05.2017
- Board Meeting Notice_26.05.2017