
Diversity and Inclusion


Rupa recognizes the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive workspace. We consider diversity as the gateway for innovations. We are an employer with equal opportunity and hold onto meritocracy during hiring and performance evaluation.

Our Actions

  • No discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, creed, religion and ethnicity.
  • Celebrations on Women’s Day, recognizing gender diversity within our organization.
  • Customized behavioural and functional training programmes for all employees at offices.

Human Rights

At Rupa, we respect human rights and believe it is the key to grow inclusively by upholding the dignity of each individual and promoting equality.

Our Actions

  • No child labour or forced labour involved in any of our operational sites and plants.
  • Stringent screening process being incorporated to check no human rights violations.
  • Formal grievance mechanism for employees to raise any concerns.

Rupa diligently follows the different human rights principles mentioned alongside:


No Child Labour


No Forced Labour


Fair Working Hours




Fair Wages


Decent Working Condition


Health and Safety


Rupa is committed towards providing a safe, secure and healthy working environment to all its employees and workers. We continuously aspire and work towards mitigating all heath and safety risks which might result in injuries and accidents.

Our Actions

  • Accident and first aid registers are maintained across the plants.
  • Domjur site has applied for ISO 45000 certification.
  • All workmen on shop floor are made to undergo safety trainings.